Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fishing Derby

This weekend was the annual Fishing Derby. We have been doing this for several years. It is always fun. Many of the people who sign up and go are people from the ward even though it is a city event. We got there early and got our spot on the dock. Meg caught the second fish and then didn't really want to do it anymore. Mattison caught 3 fish and Isabel caught one and then decided she was done too. It is great because there are prizes and donuts and lots of friends. Later that night we had the Fish Fry with our friends. Matt was the only one from our family that actually ate the fish, the rest of us ate hamburgers and hot dogs and had fun being with friends.
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Cardalls said...

Very impressive! Your blog is better than my blog!

Julie said...

I am so jealous that you get to do fun stuff like that in the middle of the winter. Did the girls actually touch the fish or just catch them? I used to like to catch fish in Howe, but now they gross me out. I thought you got braver as you got older.

Herrington's said...

Congratulations girls on catcing fish! That looks like a lot of fun. I'd have opted for a hotdog or hamburger over fish too, yuck!

QnA Drapers said...

Im glad you didn't eat any of those fish- that wanter always has looked a little "iffy" Wish we could have been there!

Anne and Wayne said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. Good for you.
P.S. The changes you made to my blog's backgrounds are nice.

The Ririe's said...

Thanks for letting us know about it! It was so much fun, next year we will be sure not to plan date night the same night as the fish fry!

Megan said...

I've never caught 1 fish in a day, much less 3! You guys are pros!

The Bischoff's said...

The weather looks amazing! I am so jealous!!!

Rachael said...

Is that the park that is off of Cheyenne? I don't think you should have eaten these fish either...but I love the idea of a fish fry after a morning of fishing!
How fun that you guys did this!