Monday, March 3, 2008

Tagged!! Me, A-Z

A--Attached or Single? Attached--married 11 1/2 years --started dating in 1991!
B--Best friend? Matt, but I have lots of other great girl friends though. I talk on the phone way too much!
C--Cake or Pie? Either as long as it is chocolate!
D--Day of Choice? Fridays! I have always thought Fridays are great--end of the week, time to do something fun that day!! I don't believe in cleaning that day.
E--Essential Item? I-pod. I love that wonderful thing. Once I got mad at Matt and gave it back to him, but asked for it back like a day later. Couldn't go to the gym without it!
F--Favorite Color? blue
G--Gummy bears or worms? bears, but I would prefer another kind on candy for sure.
H--Hometown? Orem, Utah
I--Indulgence(s) Chocolate--any kind, I'm not picky.
J--January or July? I like them both. July is great for swimming, but way too hot. We usually vacation then too. January usually has a few great park days here and the kids go back to school after a long track break!
K--Kids? 3 giggly girls
L--Life is incomplete without? family, gospel, friends
M--Marriage date? Sept. 14, 1996
N--Number of siblings? 4
O--Oranges or apples? Apples, but I really like watermelon and cantelope.
P--Phobias or fears? bats--they freak me out
Q--Quotes? Live well, laugh often, love much and "Boat dock my @#%" (some of you will get this)
R--Reason to Smile? the silly things kids say and do
S--Season? Spring or Fall.
T--Tag 3 friends? Amy, Janae and Randi
U--Unknown Fact? I hate dirty dishes in the sink. After anyone is done eating they need to go directly into the dishwasher.
V--Very Favorite Store? It seems I am always at Target these days
W--Worst Habit? picking my nose--just kidding. Falling asleep watching TV
X--X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y--Your favorite food? Mexican food--bean burritos.
Z--Zodiac? Aries


QnA Drapers said...

Really- you don't like bats? I think everytime we went camping we saw some right around your tent. Am I really supposed to do that now?

Herrington's said...

I think it was "boat rental my @#$%!" (just kidding.)

Kristen said...

Oh Karen I do stand corrected. It is boat rental. I was not thinking when I made this post. It is a great Wayne quote though don't ya think?

Tommy said...

I will have you know that I take great pride in being able to say that I was present when the boat rental statement was made.