Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Isabel and Meg share a room. They have beautiful bunkbeds with super soft and comfortable mattresses on them. However, Isabel has decided that it is too hot to sleep on the top bunk and now likes to pull out the extra mattress we have under the bunkbeds to sleep on everynight. Now, this special extra mattress is one that we bought for Mattison when Matt was still in school. It is probably the cheapest mattress you can buy at "Mattress Plus". Not to mention it is pulled out almost everytime kids are over to be used as the kids are dancing away to High School Musical or Hannah Montana. The springs have been jumped on a bit. Why Isabel would find this more comfortable that her extra fluffy RC Willey mattress is beyond me. So the other morning Matt is leaving and goes in to check on the girls and this is what he finds ...

I am thinking about selling those good mattresses on Ebay. Check there later for a good deal.

We have such a great neighbor across the street. She has the cutest dog and always comes out with it or lets the kids take it out to play. It's so great. The girls can play with a dog and I don't have to clean up the poop. On Saturday they wanted to go outside. It was freaking hot--108 degrees. I said they could go out for 5 minutes figuring they wouldn't stay out. I guess Bella (that's the dog) was outside so they played with her for a minute. This is how I found them.

This picture is for my brother Donovan. He has added new music to his blog and Matt really enjoys his music. So this is a picure of Matt "head-banging" to the music. Notice how the extra long mid-life crisis hair really moves.


Janae&DonovanLott said...

First! Wow, what a privilege. And I LOVE the headbanging and the bangs all awave. Glad to know Matt has some fine tunage to keep him going late at night (and early in the morning) as he is working away.

Unfortunately, my sweet wife may have a change to the music on "her" blog. We will have to see what "la jefa" dictates.

Megan said...

The picture of the girls sleeping is so funny! Sorry it's been so hot there. It makes life miserable when it's too hot to do anything.

Herrington's said...

I'll take the mattress from Isabel and Meg's room! What do you want for it? If you sell it to me, you won't have to pay for shipping, you can just bring it up when you come.

The Ririe's said...

Love the cheap matress....so cute that they are sleeping together! I will be watching for a great deal!!!

QnA Drapers said...

Makayla has decided she doesn't like the top bunk, ans spends most nights with Allie on the bottom, maybe I'll get a picture tonight and we can compare our funny girls!

Anne and Wayne said...

Look at it this way--your good mattresses will last longer because they aren't being used. One day, when the girls don't want to sleep together, they will appreciate their fine beds.

Cardalls said...

as long as they sleep through the night i'm good with wherever they sleep!

Cannata Clan said...

OK forget about the mattress thing, what the heck is that fuzzy pink and purple dog chair above their heads?????

Meli said...

love the crisis hair and the fact that isabel steals the covers from little meg!!