Friday, June 27, 2008

Flashback Friday

Jelly Shoes. Remember them? I had some in Elementary school and thought they were so cool. Did you ever have any ? And so my friends, I present to you one of my best finds at Kohls yet.

Can you believe they only cost $1.70? They were such a good deal that I had 2 friends purchase the same shoe (I won't tell you who though). Talk about comfortable, not. But when I need a pair of shoes to wear for a special occasion you know I will be pulling these babies out!


Cannata Clan said...

We need to have a Girls Night Out in those beauties!

Rachael said...

Alexis wants a pair and I refuse!

Megan said...

Oh I miss the jellies! I had a pink pair when I was little!

Julie said...

I was just reading Karen's blog, and I think you are like Cinderella. You can't get any closer to glass slippers than that!
I got Jane a pair of clear glittery ones and she loves them, but they have soles and don't smell quite as bad as the old ones we wore.

The Ririe's said...

My mom never wanted to buy us jellie shoes because she was worried they would melt to our feet in the LV summer heat!

The Bischoff's said...

I LOVED jelly shoes! Aubrey hates them so I guess I don't have to worry about her!! (I might have to try to find me some though!) Good find! :)

Cardalls said...

Nice red ruby slippers--those are some UGLY shoes! :)

Grandma Grace said...

Why do you think you all had some. They were cheap. Though I never could figure out how they could be comfortable.

Anne and Wayne said...

Wow, Kristen. You sure have sexy feet! (Maybe mom's aren't supposed to say that!) Your feet didn't come from your mom's side of the family and, unfortunately, Karen feet are more like mine.

QnA Drapers said...

You know I'd put some of those on and go dancing with you!!! What a deal at Kolhs, I am so excited they are buliding a new one close to my place! Oh- and your toes look cute too!

Herrington's said...

I want some. I'll have to make a stop at Kohls soon!

Broderick Clan said...

Love the the bright red shoes! Did you know they are back in. I was at Big Lots the other day and saw a whole bunch of them! You will have to go check it out!

Meli said...

Loving the jellies--I bet your friends are just as cute in them too, you should all wear them for a special occaion!!