Saturday, August 9, 2008

Who cares!

While I was driving home to Las Vegas from my visit to Utah I was listening to my IPod and thinking. I know what you will say, you're not supposed to listen to head phones while driving, but when my kids watch movies I have to listen to something or I get so stinking bored. So I was listening to my songs and thinking about how an IPod is so personal. I have some of my favorite songs on it. Once it was sitting out and someone was scrolling through it and I was like "Oh, no!" because I didn't know what they might think when they saw some of my music. So while I was driving and listening and thinking I started thinking about what stories I could tell on my blog (am I addicted to blogging or is it the 5 hours of driving). Then I remembered I haven't changed my music in such a long time and I am really sick of those summer songs. So today I decided to put some of my favorite music on my blog and say to all of you "Who cares if I like Michael Jackson!" I mean, didn't we all love him before he went white, and became a pervert? I had the poster in the picture above in my room. Remember the moon walk and Thriller? Plus, he just moved to Vegas, (see here) and if given tickets I would go. Who cares if I am mid-thirties and when I hear a Backstreet Boys song I crank it up. And who can't Strike a Pose when Madonna sings. So here are some of my favorite artists and songs and I don't care if you think I am crazy for liking Britney, or Boy George or N' Sync! But I do want to know what songs you love and rock out to in your car when no one else can hear. What is hidden in your IPod?


Herrington's said...

I'm a BSB and N'SYNC fan too!

Cardalls said...

well IF i had an ipod...there would be some serious ABBA on it as well as "Celebration" from Kool and the Gang and probably a few Manilow tunes! Yes I would have some music from the freaky MJ as well.

Catherine said...

Fishin' in the Dark totally takes me back to the days of country line dances at our our family reunions. Good times! I love that song!
I turn up the volume on any Michael McLean song everytime. I have almost all his CD's. And when I run, I have to have Footloose and Eye of the Tiger on my Ipod.
I'm with Karen, BSB and N'SYNC rock! In middle school, I had memorized a bunch of their dance moves and would bust them out at the 9th grade dance! Heck yea baby!

Austin & Ruthanne said...

Good job for you for not worrying about what other people think of your music! I like BSB and N'SYNC too. I also like Justin Timberlake solo. I love Rascal Flatts. I typically like what is ever on the radio.

randi said...

Kristen, way to let your inner music flow. The Run DMC was awesome. If I can figure out the music on our blog I will put on some good stuff. -Kels

lisa said...

You are so freakin' hilarious! I love reading your blog and I love all the music you picked! Oldies, but goodies!

Meli said...

love the link to my blog!!! lol btw i love hard core rap and heavy metal!!! JUST KIDDING!! What???

Broderick Clan said...

Way to put it out there! I think you are not alone in your taste in music! I like songs from a list of 'I can't believe she likes that" or "Who is that singer?" My girls and I are always rock'in out in the car! I'll share my list sometime.

Stacey said...

I still love MJ! I was just listening to his greatest hits album last week.

QnA Drapers said...

Maybe now we know why they haven't put you in Young Womens for a while- they are worried about your music rubbing off on the youth! hee hee...