Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tagged-- By Cheryl

Four Random Things I like about my Husband:
1. He loves to play with the kids
2. He likes to be healthy--it inspires me to want to try and be fit.
3. He is smart
4. He mows the lawn

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. TCBY Yogurt
2. Grounds Crew at BYU
3. Special Ed Middle School Teacher
4. Domestic Goddess (good use of words Cheryl)

Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
2. Enchanted
3. Titanic
4. Can't Buy Me Love

Four TV shows I watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. The Biggest Loser
3. American Idol
4. King of Queens

Four Places I have been:
1. Israel
2. Egypt
3. St. Louis
4. Mexico

Four of my Favorite Foods:
1. Bean Burritos
2. Chocolate
3. Chips
4. Hot dog on a Stick
(Do you see why it is important that Matt is healthy and he inspires me to try and be healthy?)

Four Places I would like to Visit:
1. Go back to Israel
2. Hawaii
3. England
4. Australia

I tag anyone who went to MVHS--I know that's a few of you on my blog list.


Anne and Wayne said...

Excuse me, but where on your list of often watched movies is "Beauty and the beast"?

Cardalls said...

Domestic Goddess sounds so much more exotic than stay at home mom or housewife! i have to make myself feel glamorous somehow!