Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Once in a Lifetime experience

My kids are outside playing and the Ice Cream man comes around. Of course they want some ice cream and Mattison tells me "Mom, it's a once in a lifetime experience!" Umm, not now that the ice cream man knows that we have a street with kids who come running.

On another note, can I just tell the blogging world that I hate stains on clothes. I seriously had a mini melt -down today when Isabel came in from riding her bike with her clothes all wet because she had fallen in a puddle. Of course they were new clothes (not the ones in the above picture I just wanted to add a picture to this post) that were light colors. There was dirt and the black roads we have here leave serious stains. We had to quickly change clothes and presoak and then wash and scrub. I know I have made my kids a little OCD about stains too. Meg starts out in one outfit a day and then she gets one drop on her clothes and thinks she has to change them. That is why if you see Meg by the end of the day her outfit rarely matches. She changes her pants or shirts several times a day. Not that mismatching is any better than stains, I just hate ruining things. So, I know I will probably get comments about Oxy clean and Spray and Wash, but trust me I am the master at stain removal AND mini-melt downs. Just ask my kids (and Matt too because he called in the middle of this last one).


Grandma Grace said...

So what is best for getting out the stains?

randi said...

That's hilarious!!! I have resorted to just throwning stuff away. I am the worst stain remover on earth!

VegasWatkins said...

so do you know how to get gas out of clothes? lol.

Megan said...

I absolutely hate stains too. I always change Whitney if she gets stuff on her because it drives me nuts!

Herrington's said...

I absolutely HATE stains too! Where did we get that from? It never fails that if I give Ethan chocolate, he'll get a lot on his clothes and then I freak out because I hate stains! Mike thinks I'm nuts and says, "Oh, he's just a boy!" I have tried Oxy Clean, and it hasn't worked all the time. What do you use? Oh, I've used the bathroom cleaner with bleach too. What works on colors though?

Rachael said...

I don't have any luck at stain removal. I just put Eli in the clean shirts with the stain and try to pretend like it JUST happened! "Oh how did that get there? It must have just happened!"

Cardalls said...

You should start an enrichment laundry group and teach us how to remove stains! :)

Meli said...

ok so did you give in to the ice cream truck? So I FINALLY did the other day and guess what--it wasnt the yummy frozen treats it was a soft serve truck only ice cream cones or sundaes! What a rip!!
BTW i HATE when my kids ruin their clothes too!!

B Flat Major said...

I know this post is like forever old, but I have to tell you I freak out about stains too. H-a-t-e them. I love the new Shout Advanced that comes in the blue bottle and that 99 cent bar of soap called Fels Naptha that you can buy at Macey's. They keep me whole inside. :-)