Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Good times in Utah

While we were in Utah we went over to Matt's parents aka Nanna and Bubba. We had a dutch oven dinner on Sunday. Here are the girls with Braza and Bacon and Bubba. Bubba is the one with the least amount of hair in the middle.

Here is a picture of Nanna. She doesn't like her picture to be taken. Isn't her hand beautiful?

Oh, wait--she did decide to let us get a picture of her. We had to pay her though.
And we don't know who that man is in sitting in the middle of the girls. He just seems to be there everytime we are there. We think he likes free meals. He sure is entertaining though.

I have a lot more pictures of our trip but I think I'll post some each day to make life more interesting for all of you. The suspense, I am sure, is killing you....


mccall... said...

Hey! I just found all the Vegas friends blogs - thanks for including me!!! I can't believe how grown up everyone is! Hopefully we can keep in touch!

randi said...

Hey at least you update you blog! I am lame!