Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Did you have a bad day Matt?

Yesterday morning Matt actually was home when we were awake. He left all dressed up to go work at the hospital and then a minute later came back inside and went upstairs. He came back down a few minutes later in different clothes. When I asked him what happened he said "nothing, I'm going to be late" and rushed out the door. Then this is what I find upstairs in the garbage.
I think there must have been a wardrobe malfunction with his pants!!! The funny thing about this is one time when he was doing clinicals as a student he got a hole in the crotch of his pants and on his lunch had to search through desks to find safety pins and such to fix them. He said he was sure he showed off a little too much too a patient. Note to Kristen--when doing laundry please check all areas of Matt's pants for holes. Not only did he has the pant problem today he told me that he went over to the studio to train a client and got there at 6:20 to train a lady at 6:45. The problem was he woke up in his car at 7:20 and had missed calls from a trainer. He had fallen asleep in his car and was late to train. Here's the funny thing--his car was parked outside the studio like 50 feet away from the entrance and I guess no one knew he was out there. He said he thought he got sleep the night before--I wonder. We are just hoping he can get some sleep so this (see picture below) doesn't happen again.

Thanks for working so hard for us Matt!!! Hopefully you will have a better day today.


Herrington's said...

That's too funny!

Megan said...

Poor guy! Hope he has a better day today!

Rachael said...

Sounds like a story from Tales from the Darkside.

QnA Drapers said...

That guys just needs a few more hours in the day- Im sure he loves that you put pics on here of his pants!

Kristen said...

I'll never sleep again! Matt

randi said...

Oh, Matt it's OK, we all still love you. We are laughing with you not at you!!!