Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Cruise and The Canyon Part II

Last Wednesday we went to a Single Parent/Kid activity. We went on a little "spooky" Halloween Cruise on the Provo River. It was a little cheesy, but the kids had fun with their friends and so did I.Here we are on the boat. Isabel was a little scared thinking that she might fall in the river. Ha ha! I'm with my BFF Adam. He is the master planner of tons of singles events, and he knows everyone. That's why I love hanging with him....he's got all the connections, and he's super fun. He is also making me write a post about him so Adam, this post is dedicated to you ;) Now people, we don't make out, we don't date eachother so there is no need for any rumors or questions.
Meggy Boo with Kade!

Mattison and Hailey before the boat ride. That's some cheese Mattison.

We went up the canyon again on Saturday. We were going to go on a hike to a waterfall and then I got info that the hike was a little steep and I decided that since I hate hiking we would go on a nature walk up the canyon instead.

I think in this picture the kids were hearing a story about about wild beavers or dead people being hidden in the moutains.

We took my sister's little boy Ethan with us. After we had been hiking for awhile he really needed to pee. So we told him to go pee behind a tree. He was not so keen on that idea. In fact here was his statement "Animals pee outside and I'm not an animal". Freaking Hilarious!
Did I mention I love the Fall?


Adam Wills said...

Sweet! I'm so gonna be famous now that Kristen blogged about me!

Kristen I so appreciate you clarifying about us not dating or making out, but you left out the fact that we will be dating in a year when you are no longer a mess!

You are the best BFF ever, and I love your guts!

Lindsay said...

I don't know many boys who don't like to pee outside. :) That is one well-mannered kid.
Fun pictures and stories!

Karen said...

Ahh, my Ethan, what a kid! I told his dad that HE has to work with Ethan on that one.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

I remember when your girls wouldn't pee in public restrooms. I don't know how they held there pee from Vegas to Orem.

Catherine said...

haha Ethan's hilarious! He is such a smart boy.

A Halloween Cruise sounds awesome. I'm glad you had a blast!

Cardalls said...

I think Ethan needs to come and visit with Garrett, he could teach him a few things! ;)