Sunday, June 21, 2009


The girls have been wanting go go down to Vegas and visit their friends for awhile. We decided to head down there for a few days and see some friends. Unfortunately some of their friends are still in school so they got to spend time with them, but not as much as we would have liked. The girls were in HeAvEn! They were so excited to see their friends, the old neighborhood, shopping carts in the street (yes, they actually missed that about Vegas).

Here they are with the Faulkner girls. They were able to have a late-over with them too. Fun girl times.

We went swimming to our friend Diin's house. We took our old neighbors who happened to be out of school. Super fun...a little bit of sun too!

After school on Thursday several families and friends met over at the Broderick's house and the kids played outside.

On Thursday we got to go over to Alexis' house and swim. Great times!

We wish we could have stayed longer. Thanks to all our great friends for hosting us, letting us eat your food and staying at your house.
This trip was actually a difficult one for me. I felt like I was home with all my friends. I try not to get bitter, but when I am down there in my old life and watch my kids so happy to be around their friends it's just hard. I start to get angry that someones choices can impact my life so much. I am so thankful for my Vegas Family and the impact all of you have had in my life. Love you guys!


Janae&DonovanLott said...

Makes you wish you had a swimming pool in your backyard. It has been 99 degrees here for over a week. We are melting. It will feel so nice to be in UT without humidity.

Herrington's said...

Wow, you went swimming a lot! I've seen a few carts here and there in my neck of the woods if your girls ever feel homesick they can hope over here to see the carts. I'll even set up my slip and slide and they can get wet!

Cardalls said...

It was so fun to see you! We miss you tons down here!

Catherine said...

I can totally relate with you on how your closest friends become like family, especially when your real family is far away. I'm so glad you were able to meet up with good friends and have a get away. You deserve it!

I love your new profile picture. You look fantastic, Kristen!

Rachael said...

Your kids must have been pooped after all their visits! Alexis was so tired that day from 3 hours of swimming! So fun though. Anytime you want come on over!!!

Janae&DonovanLott said...

We try to keep the nostalgia of Vegas (away from the Strip) alive wherever we live now. So we often take grocery carts from stores and scatter them around our neighborhood (they provide the neighborhood kids with sweet rides to race one another in until somebody falls and splits their head open going down some neighborhood hill..always an abrupt end to fast paced fun). We also make sure we try to sell water on street corners from a windmill like stand (not that we have ever made a profit with THAT venture, mind would think water would be a bigger seller).

Glad to hear you were able to visit some great friends in Vegas. There are a lot of good people and things about the town that people who live out of state never seem to realize. Of course, the tomatoes and chicken found on the east side of town leave something to be desired... :)

Lindsay said...

Your comment about the grocery carts made me laugh. :) I wonder if I would miss those too if I weren't here? You are such a fun and funny person Kristen...I'm so glad you and your girls were able to spend time with fun friends!

The Ririe's said...

We sure miss you living here!

The Bechtol Family said...

i was glad i got to see you really quick at cheryls, eventhough i looked like POOOOO from painting!! it will be nice to know when you come down again. i would love to go out and eat with you gals. even do a FUN get together with all the kids from the ward. noah just asked about isabel today. dont know why, but he was thinking about her for some reason!! glad you got to spend some time with a little bit of everyone!!