Monday, May 18, 2009


I'm in a blogging slump. I think there are a few reasons. 1) work makes me busy 2) not many pictures have been taken lately 3) facebook occupies my time 4) now that I'm private I just feel like I don't have my "huge" audience checking in on me. I know what you are thinking...did you really have an audience? I don't know, but I'm a blog stalker so I like to think that I had a few stalkers. One day I'll get a new blog, without that dumb "m" attached to my address and it won't be private.

So here is the run down on what's been going on. Isabel tried out for competition soccer and made it. Which I am glad for several reasons. I think it will be fun, and she will be busy with that so on those weekends when the girls will be with Matt hopefully he will come up here so I know they are in a safe environment. Better at the grandparents house then the Vegas ghetto apartment where he lives.

Meg is having her preschool graduation. The girls are finishing up school next week. I'm not sure how excited I am. They haven't had a whole summer off in a long time. We'll see how we adjust to 3 long months.

The girls had to spend the weekend with Matt and his wife. That would be my bleh. Since my blog is private I'm going to say that I hate it. I hate that she is infiltrating my family and being with my girls, when let's face it...she doesn't have the best morals, and obviously Matt doesn't either. I don't want to be the "bitter ex", but really it just disgusts me. That's where this comes in....
But I'll survive. I'm just collecting some big rocks!


The Ririe's said...

Way to go Isabel! That will be so much fun. I guess the fear from the other girls really paid off! Good luck with everything else, you are not bitter, just worried about your girls and there is nothing wrong with that.

Grandma Grace said...

I like to think that Matt would only do what is good for the girls when they are with him. But then, he has surprised us all. You can bring the girls down swimming when you want. Enjoy the time with them and realize they are going through big changes too. They are lucky to have you and your parents for the stability they need.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

1) I really like the new (fun) background. 2) Congrats! Isabel and3)I hope you can work through your frustrations. I don't think you would be normal to think, it's great your kids are with someone you don't like. They say time heals all wounds. You have come a long way and continue to do so.

QnA Drapers said...

Hang in there Kristen- you are awesome.

Cardalls said...

Way to go Izzy! That is awesome and a good thing for many many reasons!

You keep your girls best interest in mind at all times and no one can call you a bitter ex!

Stacey said...

hey I want to go swimming at Grandma Graces when we are in town this summer. Hook me up, would ya?

Matt sucks. I'm sorry. I can't wait to see you again. we need to go to lunch when I am there.

The Bischoff's said...

I know exactly how you feel! That sucks and I hope it gets better with time! Keep your head up!

randi said...

Well we just need to find you a HOT man to help with your "frustrations!"

B Flat Major said...

I don't know if you knew, but you can keep your blog the same and change your address. And since you are private and you know everyone who looks, it wouldn't be that hard to notify and still keep your Vast Number of Followers. You just go to Settings and then Publishing and there you can rid yourself of that nasty M. Should we have a contest to come up with your new domain name?

I hope the anti-Vegas grand master comp-soccer plan works wonders...

Julie said...

I think your new domain should be What do I get if I win the contest? I just have to say, for the record, considering all that you have had to go through lately, I think you are remarkably non-bitter and mature - it has impressed me mucho. I hope we can all get together a lot this summer. We are at GGs at least once a week...


Competition Soccer sounds like a lot of fun!

I would HATE it too.

Jen said...

Your "private" blog is wayyy more juicy... LOL

Hang in're on a ride you didn't put yourself on. And while it is scary to think of your little innocent ones with the devil and his bride, remember that one day they will know. One day they will be disgusted when they know the choices that were made. Maybe not now, and maybe not in 5 years, but definately as young adults. They won't respect it.