Sunday, May 18, 2008

What's been going on

We have been quite busy lately. There have been soccer games and soccer pictures. Dance classes and dance pictures. On Saturday we had Isabel's soccer game and it was so hot. It was around 100 degrees that day so I think it must have been 90 during her game. The poor kids were so hot. After soccer we had to run home and get Mattison ready for her dance pictures. Luckily she doesn't like ballet so she decided to skip those pictures and only do her Tap/jazz pictures. I say luckily because Isabel's soccer game and dance pictures were too close in time for us to make both without skipping some of the soccer game. Last Friday the girls had Field Day at school. Luckily it wasn't 100 degrees and there was a little breeze so it was okay to be outside. Not to mention the kids got wet during some of the games.
Here is Mattison with some of her friends in her school.
Isabel didn't like me taking her picture so I had to snap it without her noticing.
Here she is all wet. Her class got into a water fight even though the teachers said not to do it.

On Thursday there was a PTO sponsored dance. Here is Meg sporting her new haircut.
She was a dancing queen on the floor. I know this picture looks like she is sleeping, but believe it or not, this is one of her "moves". Mattison came late because she was at dance class and Isabel danced a little, but never for me on camera.
Here I am with some members of the board who put on the dance. Even though it was a family dance, none of the parents would dance--except Cheryl and me who made fools of ourselves trying to get the kids to "Ride the Train", Chicken Dance, do the YMCA and the Limbo.

Last weeks the girls had their awards assembly for 2nd trimester. We are always proud of the great work they do.

Here is Isabel with her teacher. We made her a teacher appreciation candy bar poster. We have been really lucky with great teachers.


Cardalls said...

i need you to email me almost all of those pictures since me or my kids are in a bunch! I loved Meg's moves on the dance floor, she is so funny!

Herrington's said...

I would have danced too if I were there.

Catherine said...

I love that you danced, even though the other moms were too lame to dance! Go Kristin!Alright, it's official, this year at the family reunion, my mom will put YOU, Karen, Julie, and me in charge of the famous Callister Cousin Dance! Oh, baby, we're going to shake what our mama's gave us! just kidding, that's a dumb phrase, but still we're going to have a blast!

Meli said...

Love the post--feel all caught up in the Thomas life now! lol Love Meg's dance move--is it the worm or what????

Anne and Wayne said...

I sure wish we could have been there--for the soccer game, the awards assembly, the dance, whatever. I'm glad you took pictures and put them on your blog.

The Bischoff's said...

wow you have been busy! I can't believe it is so hot already!

Broderick Clan said...

Meg has the moves! I also like Isabel's hat and the dodge of the camera. It's great to see all the pictures!

QnA Drapers said...

Man you guys have been busy- I thought it was hot here yesterday- we reached 86! Looks like youre having fun- we miss you guys. ( and I would have danced with you and Cheryl too)

Janae&DonovanLott said...

That Meg is such the Dancing Queen! I haven't seen that kid of artistic bodily motion since some ABBA fanatic who loved to "Jump, Shout, Knock Herself Out" with Barry Mannilow. I think the green skirt is very reminiscent of what you (Kristen) used to wear for your dancing at BYU, isn't it?

By the way, LOVE the hairdo on Meg. The bangs just shout out, "I am Kristen's daughter!: :)

Megan said...

Wow how do you keep up with everything? You must be a Super Mom!!

Rachael said...

What fun mom's you are! No water fight? I think that is a given on field day!

The Bechtol Family said...

would have loved to have danced, but i wiped by the end of the night! sorry :( i got pics of you and cheryl though. you'll have to come over and pic up some cd's with ALL the pics i have for you guys!!