Yep...I'm officially a blog slacker. I even had time off over the holidays and didn't post anything. But, never fear....I am back!
We had a pretty great Christmas, okay just alright for me. I'm still adjusting to the whole "splitting time between parents" thing. However, I did fill my time while the kids were gone seeing every new movie that came out in theaters!
I went back over my camera to see the pics that I took on Christmas and found out that I really didn't take many, or else they were erased off my camera by a mysterious little girl who inherited my old camera and started taking pictures. That's right! Santa brought me a new camera. I'm so happy to have one that doesn't have a broken lens cover. Thank you Santa....I still believe.
So here is one of the first pics with my new camera on Christmas morning. I love the "not wearing make-up" look.

Isabel got a remote control car...and the best thing about this pic is you can't even see the car. Obviously I need to work on my picture taking skills.
Mattison got some
wii games and a skateboard.

And Meg, the regular Barbie/princess loot.
Hopefully later I'll catch up on the other stuff happening around here. We have some really great jumping off the couch pictures. Mostly we take those when Grandpa isn't around.