Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Walking home

I finally decided to let my kids walk home from school. Now I know to all you Utah people, this is not some big ordeal. But we moved from Vegas and you just didn't let your kids walk home from school alone. I mean, I realize that my mom made me walk to and from school through a field, with hills, through snow, rain and grasshopper attacks. I don't ever even remember getting rides (correct me if I am wrong Donovan and Karen. Bryan got rides, he's the youngest). So yesterday I was so happy that my kids made it home safely. It is the beginning of a whole new world.

Now I am sure this next topic will be the talk of many a blog. But really, what the heck is with the Bachelor? Come on, be a man and stick with your decision. I am just glad that Melissa was like "Don't call me, don't text me" and walked out of there like who even gives a dang. Not to mention what she called him on national TV. Let it out Melissa! And really, Molly...have some self worth. Lose the loser. You will be so much better off in the long run. Trust me, I know.


Janae&DonovanLott said...

Dreyton wants to ride his bike to school. I am just so worried about him crossing the busy street in Newberry. Ok, there is only one traffic light in Newberry, but I just worry. Don't tell Dreyton your kids walked to school.

Why in the world did he break up with Melissa on National TV? I felt bad for Melissa, but she seems like a strong girl. Why do we watch reality TV?

nena said...

My kids ask all the time if they can ride their bikes with some of the other kids, I of course am still to paranoid of that!!! But in Utah it definitely is a whole new world!!! Good Luck with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachael said...

I disagree with you 100%...sorry but I do. You have 8 weeks of fairytale non-real life romance...then after the show you have 6 weeks of real life. It just wasn't there. I see the ONLY thing he did wrong was to propose to Melissa but he felt at that time in his heart she was the one. Engagements get broken all the time...he shouldn't stay with her if he doesn't love her. That would be worse. He HAD to break up with her on national TV (ABC contract) he wouldn't have done it otherwise. I think he is being a 'man' by ending something he knows isn't going to work. SHe knew at the time of taping the episode that they were over the 'drama' was forced-makes better TV...if so why didn't she have the ring on when she came out...acting all surprised! Whatever-I didn't buy it!
As for Molly-she still loves him...why not see if it will work. I still love Jason as much as I did when it started. It is a messed up show to begin with but these are also real people with real feelings.

Austin & Ruthanne said...

I had no idea you were a Bachelor fan. I could have been talking to you about it this whole time. I'm bugged with the whole ending. If he was that upset after dumping Molly he shouldn't have proposed to Melissa in the first place.

Cannata Clan said...

The best part was when Jason said "I can't control my head." And then Melissa starts talking about herself in third person. Isn't this life all about personal SELF CONTROL??? Man up Jason and go home and be a Dad to your little boy.

tavia said...

How did you do it??? my kids wont walk home alone and we are like right up the street I want them to they are being big babys about it..