Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Puddle Jumping

September is kindof a bad month for me. Not to make this post all boo-hoo, but yesterday was my anniversary (you know, when I got married in 1996) so technically it's an un-anniversary. And also, let's not forget that just over a week later I got "the news" which eventually ended my marriage. So, it's the beginning and the end to that crazy ride I was on. I have been a little nostalgic this last month...missing my house, my friends, my ward, my PTO days (yes even those crazy times), basically my old life. Yesterday when the rain starting coming my girls and I do what I love to do...jump in the puddles. Perfect way to end the lame-o day, because we LoVe the rain!

I know my neighbors think I'm crazy, and I am. I'm the crazy single lady.
p.s. I am going to be changing my blog address soon! I just need to come up with a new one. Suggestions?


Herrington's said...

I don't think people jumping puddles are crazy, I need to get out there and do it myself. It's so fun! How about girlsrule or pumba or something cool like that for a new blog address?

Catherine said...

I love jumping in the puddles, too! I used to freak out when Jonny would get filthy by jumping in the puddles, BUT then Wade reminded me that I have good ol' Oxi Clean and can do laundry once a week. ;) So now I jump with my kids with no worries. Yea!

Sorry it's been a rough month for you. A new blog address is exactly what you need. How about "Onehotmama" or "thehotmama and da girls"? Love it! Can't wait to see what you decide.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

I suppose it could be called raindancers (ha,ha). It looks like you and your girls had a great time in the rain. It has been raining here in FL a lot.

Grandma Grace said...

I don't really like to jump in the puddles but I love a good rainstorm, complete with thunder and lightning. When we lived in Idaho you could sit on the back porch and watch a storm come across the mountains. I love to sit outside and listen to the rain.
Just tell yourself you are better off without him and that eventually things will get better. I have learned this from experience.

Cardalls said...


I think more of us need a little "Kristen crazy" and jump in puddles! You are such fun Mom.

We need to transform September for you somehow...like lets go on a girls trip next year and partay!

The Ririe's said...

I agree...I think we need to be more 'crazy' and jump in puddles! I am just not a fun enough mom!

Jennifer said...

I also think we all need to take time to jump in the puddles! I can't remember the last time I did that, and I used to love it so much when I was a kid. Of course it doesn't rain much here in Vegas! LOL