Friday, July 31, 2009

Catching up with the Drapers

Meg and Allie

Our good friends the Drapers were up in Idaho visiting for a family reunion. We decided that they were just way to close not to drive up and see them. We haven't seen them since they moved away from Vegas to Nebraska 2 years ago. My camera wasn't working at first so we used a little digital camera so the quality of pics aren't so great in some of the pictures.

Mattison and Makayla. They first started hanging out when they were 4.

Isabel and Dylan....they are the same age and have been buddies since they were 2.

Dylan, Lance, Makayla Mattison and Isabel.

Me and Amy. We had some GrEaT and CrAzY times in Vegas. I miss that girl!

When we left my girls said "that was so fun mom". It was totally worth the hours driving in the car. We love those guys.


QnA Drapers said...

Man- that almost made me cry. How did that little day go so fast? We are so glad you drove up to meet us. We were all sad to watch you guys walk away at the park- hopefully it won't be another 2 years...

Lindsay said...

That is so great your were able to reunite for a day!