Saturday, May 30, 2009

I do know the answer!

We are driving in the car tonight and Isabel asks this question:
I: Mom, I have a question and I don't know if you will know the answer or not. How do the babies get into the moms tummy?
Me: Um...I know the answer to that...I'll explain it later.
I: Why not now?
Me: Just later will be better.
Then Mattison chimes in with Isabel to explain. You see Jesus comes at night when the moms are sleeping and puts the baby in the moms tummy. He has a little ball and opens your bellybutton and puts the ball in there.
So...thankfully my kids still have some innocence.


The Ririe's said...

Thanks Mattison...I just might use that to explain the whole baby thing to Carter. Would you ask Mattison how she would explain them coming out? =)

Janae&DonovanLott said...

I wonder where she heard about babies. Dreyton got the big 5th grade talk last week.

Stacey said...

So I just had the "talk" with Sam and Maren. When I was done, Sam said," that's it? that is how babies come out? cool!

Herrington's said...

Wow! Way to go Mattison! I like that explanation.

Cardalls said...

That is funny! Tyler was asking lots of questions a few weeks ago and so Dave gave him the the end he said, "Wow Dad...that's kind of cool and a little bit gross."

Lindsay said...

I think that's a great answer! Yay for innocence. :)

Rachael said...

Funny! I kept brushing off this topic until this past fall (on the way to Disneyland) when Steve and I explained how exactly the sperm and egg join. We figured she would have 3 days at Disneyland to process it and forget about it.